PT Dwirestu Rejekiguna

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021 626 7576

Continental Rupture Disc


Nominal Size Range: 1″ – 36″ (25 mm – 900 mm)

Burst Pressure Range: 2 psig – 1440 psig (0,138 barg – 99,3 barg)

Maximum Recommended Operating Ratio: 80% of the rupture disc’s rated (stamped) burst pressure

Seating Configuration: Flat seat

Service: Liquid or gas

BDI Alarm System Compatible?: Yes

ASME Code Symbol Stamp Available?: Yes

A composite disc for every application

We manufacture several preformed composite rupture discs to fit numerous applications.

The metallic top section can be manufactured from various materials, depending on your application and corrosion-resistance requirements. Seals, protective rings, gaskets and outline liners can also be manufactured from a variety of materials to meet your needs.

Our unique seven-hole design

Our preformed composite rupture discs feature a seven-hole pattern at the apex of the rupture disc’s top section. This unique configuration, in combination with the pre-cut sections along the dome, provide non-fragmenting characteristics when used with a non-metallic or fluoropolymer seal.

By using this seven-hole design, thicker, more durable materials can be used to manufacture the rupture disc, while still achieving the high 80% operating-to-burst-pressure ratio.

Various seal material options, such as fluoropolymers and exotic metals, help ensure excellent corrosion resistance. CDC’s non-metallic seals are essential to minimize fragmentation.

Pre-formed or flat style?

We offer two composite-type rupture disc design styles: a preformed style, like the CDC or PLV rupture disc; and a flat style, like CDC’s ENVIRO-SEAL rupture disc.

Our preformed styles include:

CDC type – Employs a slotted metallic top section and fluoropolymer or metallic seal on the top section’s process side. Provides corrosion protection and excellent performance in low-pressure applications where no back pressure or vacuum is expected.

CDCV type – Same design as the CDC type, with the addition of vacuum support installed on the process side of the seal. Provides process side support for full vacuum conditions.

PL type – Similar to CDC type, with the addition of a corrosion-resistant fluoropolymer liner placed on the outlet side of the top section.

PLV type – Same design as the PL type, with the addition of a vacuum support on the outlet side of the top section. The outlet liner is positioned above the vacuum support, protecting the metallic top section and the vacuum support from corrosive elements in the atmosphere.