PT Dwirestu Rejekiguna

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021 626 7576

Continental Rupture Disc


Nominal Size Range: 1″ – 12″ (25 mm – 300 mm)

Burst Pressure Range: 15 psig – 1,000 psig (1,03 barg – 68,9 barg)

Maximum Recommended Operating Ratio: 90% of the rupture disc’s rated (stamped) burst pressure

Seating Configuration: Flat seat

Service: Liquid or gas

BDI Alarm System Compatible?: Yes

ASME Code Symbol Stamp Available?: Yes

An ULTRX rupture disc is a scored, reverse-acting rupture disc with a full-open, non-reclosing design that protects equipment, vessels and systems from overpressure damage. It also excels at isolating pressure relief valves.

The ULTRX features:

  • A standard zero manufacturing range
  • A safety ratio of 1.5 or less
  • Standard materials of Alloy 276, Alloy 600, Alloy 400, stainless steel and nickel
  • Encapsulating rings to provide perfect alignment and eliminate seal load sensitivity
  • A three-dimensional flow tag for clear verification of proper installation
  • Conformance to national or international codes, including ASME Section III or VIII (ASME Code Symbol Stamp available upon request), DIN, BSI, JIS and other codes
  • A non-fragmenting design

Gas or liquid service? Both.

The ULTRX rupture disc is a unique reverse-acting rupture disc, as it excels in gaseous, partial gas and liquid or all-liquid systems. A precision-controlled indentation on the rupture disc surface initiates the reversal action.

Full opening occurs in liquid or gaseous systems, including systems with small volume or extremely low rates of pressure rise.

The ULTRX eliminates:

  • The concern of applying the wrong type of disc in a plant; an ULTRX rupture disc can be used in any system
  • The need for a gas pocket between the rupture disc and liquid media